Wanumetonomy Golf & Country Club

Mission Statement:
Our Mission is to make Wanumetonomy Golf
& Country Club a club that is viewed by
its members as a great place to belong,
by its employees as a rewarding place to work, 
and by the community as a desirable club to join. 
The Club will strive to provide quality services
to its members and continually improve its
organizational operations and capital assets
while maintaining fiscal responsibility. 

Vision Statement:
Continue to restore and improve the
Wanumetonomy Golf and Country Club golf course to the
original design of golf course architect Seth Reynor

Create an enviroment and infrasture that will make
Wanumetonomy the Club of choice for current members,
future members and emloyees.

Maintain ethical and financial standards
that ensure the continued viability of 
Wanumetonomy for now and the future.